Please Rise

Stand about

Stand aloof

Stand aside

Stand apart

Stand back

Stand away

Stand up

Stand over

Stand to

Stand against

Stand before

Stand with

Stand alone

Stand in

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand up

Stand through

Stand down

Stand around

Stand ready

Stand inside

Stand me

Stand them

Stand hurt

Stand strong

Stand along

Stand reckless

Stand right

Stand true

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand it out

Stand down, stand down

Your shoulder to the sea

Stand down, stand down

Your shelter from the rain

Stand down, stand down

Stand beside your enemy

Stand over me

Stand over me

Stand down, stand down

Your shoulder to the sea

Stand down, stand down

Your shelter from the rain

Stand down, stand down

Stand beside your enemy

Stand over me

Stand over me