
Recently it all came back to me

Somebody promised us roses

We slid by for awhile on dreams

But today I see what's only a memory

Of a decade ago that vanished from sight

With the speed of a shooting star

Leaving you, leaving me, where we are...

Well, you could say we sailed on stormy seas

Or you could say that we failed

Like seven out of ten in our neighborhood

But I prefer remembering the way we were

When we both thought the other had hung the moon

'Cause all too soon came the troubled times

And the broken rhymes so hard to define 'til recently

Oh, I could have tried for a thousand years

Through the long and winding night

Could have cried another million tears

It would never come out right

And recently the product of all our years

Dressed in a navy blue blazer

Headed for a first class school in the east

And I'd like to say he's hardly a failure now

And neither are you on the second time around

With a wife and a family

And the roses that lately arrived in the new baby's eyes

So recently