The Believers

the believers dance in front the altar

the believers strip their clothes

the believers give their bodies

the believers for Her glory sacrifice their own daughters

the believers chant her name

they place flowers at her feet

the believers drink her blood

the believers: lambs to the slaughter

sacred words they hear the sacred words

they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch


sacred words they hear the sacred words

they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch


in a trance the priestess has fallen

possessed, no longer herself

the priestess became the goddess

vain goddess of the sea risen

she is an expression of their nameless hunger

she is an expression of both the good and evil

she's become the mother of their nameless hunger

sacred words they hear the sacred words

they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch

and they who've laid down their weapons

are no longer soldiers

but have become all the drowned children

who feel no pain

they reveal treasures hidden on the bottom

of the sea for centuries

and 3 blind man will wander

canes above their able heads through eternity...

blind men all in a line who'll never see

will wander wander aimlessly

they are blindmen, they'll never see

they will travel blind through eternity