Of the Instant

Who owns what you do?

Who owns what you use?

This land is your land

This land is my land

Right now to touch flesh is real

Let us think only of the instant

There was something that I can't remember

Did you say, "I've had enough"?

We are in a happy state

It all comes to those who wait

While others plot the fate of nations

We spent the afternoons in an embrace

Somehow, you can't block it out

The bitter taste of interference

We still try to construct the difference

The space between a word and its sense

We, it seems, can own ourselves

In imagination

Then you say, we make our own world

Not everyone takes what they are given

If we believe what we are saying

We have the chance to include ourselves out

Who owns what you do?

Who owns what you use?

Then you say, we make our own world

Not everyone takes what they are given

There was something that I can't remember

Did you say, "I've had enough"?

There was something that I can't remember

We have the chance to include ourselves out