The Swords of King Harald III

Remember this name

For it's laden with the fame

Of the warrior ruler

King Harald of Norway

The sovereign of lands

Swept by Nordic winds,

The son of King Olaf,

The bane of the Poles!

With five hundred at his side,

King Harald sotmers to the fight!

Their swords gleaming silver,

Striking like thunders of Thor!

Leader of the Varangs,

Of the imperial guard-

The scourge of Bulgaria

And the Eastern host!

The last of the Vikings,

A true son of the North;

His name shall be hailed

Throughout the eons long!

With five hundred at his side,

King Harald sotmers to the fight!

Their swords gleaming silver,

Striking like thunders of Thor!

Bloodlust is what drives him,

Loyal to battle's call;

Where the fray rages thick

No surrender, no shame!

He can hear songs of glory,

An otherworldly melody,

As he bleeds from his throat

'Pon Stamford Bridge...