Under Dreamskies

Storm skies from the nights

shadows of the forest lie inside

and gleaming emeralds in decorative tones

brushed by the ice under circles

Her timeless beauty started to wither

a green voice in her heart

she touched the red leaves in sorrow

a farewell was found inside

Oh my dreamless night

again under the sea of moonshine of this night

Through darkened place in times of pale we have traversed

do not fear the wounds of their swords

Let me dream of crystal lakes

lit by the sun, the moon or the stars

of green meadows and creations of elves and proud pagan hearts

oh let me retreat 'neath fields embraced by winds and by your kiss

oh you dwell in these ancient woods where the fantasy begins

Under dreamskies we will march towards the fortress of our love

the fair credence known to us will be as long as eternal kiss