Imperium III




This life of man is but a span

We all come down in fields of rape

Our little eyes do glitter like the sun

But the leaves do wither

And the branches decay

And all are born of

Will soon fall away

He gave me honey

All mixed with gold

He gave me words

Envowed with awe

He gave me a delicate gown to wear

All stitched with sorrow

And hemmed with fear

And twisted steel and broken wheels

In a million years ten million years

I curse all gold and silver

This life of man is but a span

We all come down in fields of rape

As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit

Nor how the bones do grow

In the womb of her that is with child

Even so thou knowest not the words of God who maketh all

In the morning sow thy seed

And in the evening withhold and apprehend

For thou knowest not whether she'll prosper

This or that

Or whether they should both be

In a million years ten million years

I curse all gold and silver

Remember now thy creator in the days of life

How evil days come out

And the years go by

Then thou shalt see

I had no pleasure

How the sun or the light

Or the moon and the stars be all darkened

How the clouds return after the rain

In the day when the kings of the house shall tremble

And the strong men shall bow themselves

And the quiet de-cease for there are few

And those who are gone to the windows be darkened

And the door shall be shut on the streets

When the sound of the quiet days

And we shall summon the voice of the birds

And all the daughters of music

Shall be brought low

And men shall be afraid of that which is high

And fear shall be in the way

And the almond tree shall flourish

And the grasshopper shall be a burden

And desire shall fail

Because man goeth to his long home

And the mourners go about the streets

Or ever the silver gone be loose

Or the golden bone be broken

Or the pigeon be broken at the fountain

Or the wheel broken in the system

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was

And the spirit shall return into God who gave it

Vanity of vanity sayeth good job

All is vanity

All is vanity
