Fists Up

i have tried

my hopes have blossomed

and my hopes have fried,

i tried to cut them all down

but i found hopes were still living deep inside,

like a team of renegade lovers

working long hours sneaking around

with a belief in the life of our love,

like a light at the end at the end

of a long tunnel; a struggle

fist up!

for all their faith in one preceding a face,

they really do believe that if

they hang on long enough

that you'll come around

and finally let it show

and all their hopes will be rewarded

for their impetus to grow,

well utopian piece would fall across the land

you'll reach over for my hand,

you'll really want to hold my hand

And i don't want to come to the point of this song,

because the point of this song

would happen to be so long.

It gets hard:

the vigilantes can't agree on who's in charge,

they gave their souls for the cause

but the love that they were after is still at large

see this faith in which they found allegiance

ripping at the seams as hope is running it's course

the rebels just cant muster the force

to walk the thin line between belief and delusion


fists up! for all their faith

in one preceding a face

they really did believe

that if they've hung on long enough

that you'd come around

and finally let it show

and all their hopes would be rewarded

for their impetus to grow

utopian peace would fall across the land

you'd reach over for my hand,

you would've really wanted to hold my hand

and i don't want to come to the point of this song

because the point of this song would happen to be so

long[long long long long long long long]

It was perfect you know

with just one little problem

the fact that it turns out

you don't really want it

my love is a fortress,

my love is a Louvre

but it cant ever thrive

if i'm forced to keep proving it.


[ahhh hahahh hahaahahahaa!]