Spell of Penitence

Silent night, black as the Abyss

Stars have fled this evening of Northland

Human blood spilled in rivers

From hearts rejoicing their destiny

Behind is the Baptism of black fire

before is Life and Death, joined in eternity

Silent night, patterned by cold lights from above

As bowels of clouds are torn open

Revealed the shining treasures of space

Distant gemstones and the moonlike blazing Moon

Under these our hearts weep again, again

To open to the sacred mysteries of Satan

Fratres, agnoscamus peccata nostra

Ut apti simus ad sacra mysteria celebranda

I have let the light tempt me

I have sought happiness before reality

I have thought there's something else but me

I forgot Thy Grace is in everything

"Now, the heart of night is cut open, from darkness the visions of madness are spilled, filled with beauty, full of life"

Knowledge older than man is revealed

By dedication, by the spells, and the grace of Satan

Black embrace of night is opening all around me