God Only Knows


Did I really take her and keep her with me?

Cover her face up so she couldn't breathe?

Cut her eyeballs out so she couldn't see?

I still feel like she is looking at me.

Brought her to the basement and took off her clothes

Did I do the right thing?

God only knows!

Chorus x 4:

Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body

Take your heart out and consume

("God only knows!" throughout chorus)


Am I really like this? Is this really me?

Am I really the person I want to be?

Is it this life that has created me?

Am I a product of society?

Did I really eat pills cause everything's fucked?!

Can I fall asleep and just never wake up?!!

Chorus x 4:

Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body

Take your heart out and consume

("God only knows!" + "Never wake up!" throughout chorus)