Shake Sugaree

{And Elizabeth Cotton is a writer of very fine songs

Such as, 'Freight Train' and 'Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie'

And she wanted this song to be sung by children

All over the place and all over the world

And that's why we are bringin' it to you}

{Also, many other famous people have recorded this song

And it's a great song to sing

Remember, this is 'Shake Sugaree'}

Have a little song

Won't take long

Sing it right

Once or twice

Oh Lordy me, didn't we shake sugaree?

Everything I got is down in pawn

Everything I got is down in pawn

Pawned my watch

Pawned my chain

Pawned everything

Even pawned my own name

Oh Lordy me, didn't we shake sugaree?

Everything I got is down in pawn

Everything I got, I got in pawn

Have a secret

I ain't gonna tell

I'm goin' to heaven

And I ain't goin' to

Oh Lordy me, didn't I shake sugaree?

Everything I got is down in pawn

Everything I got is down in pawn

Pawned my buggy

Pawned my plough

Pawned everything

Even pawn my old cow

Oh Lordy me, didn't I shake sugaree?

Everything I got is down in pawn

Everything I got is down in pawn

Have a secret

I ain't gonna tell

I'm goin' to heaven

In a brown pea shell

Oh Lordy me, didn't I shake sugaree?

Everything I got is down in pawn

Everything I got is down in pawn

Have a little song

Won't take long

Sing it right

Once or twice

Oh Lordy me, didn't I shake sugaree?

Everything I got, I got in pawn

Everything I got is down in pawn