
I praise you for the rivers the mountains and the streams

I praise you for the eagle, the visions and the dreams

I praise all your creations the mountains and the streams

I praise you for the eagle, the visions and the dreams

I praise you for my children the mountains and the streams

I praise you for the eagle, the visions and the dreams

I praise you for my people the mountains and the streams

I praise you for the eagle, the visions and the dreams

The visions and the dreams, the visions and the dreams

Menominee Language:

Anishinabe = The People

Ma-Nee Ta-haem = We feel good in our hearts

Wa-Wa-Non = We thank you

Mau-Ne-Ka-Ko-Saw-te-wa = We have everything

Mah-Maw-Koh-Ne-No = Our father up above